
Die Klassen für Formeln bilden die folgende Hierarchie:

- Formula
  - Clause
    - GeneralHornClause
  - Literal (Copyable)
    - NegativeLiteral
    - Atom
      - OrdinaryAtom (Unifiable)
      - ApplicativeAtom
        - EvalAtom
        - AssignmentAtom
  - ConjunctionOrDisjunction
    - Conjunction
      - NormalProgram
      - LiteralConjunction (Copyable)
    - Disjunction
      - OrdinaryAtomDisjunction

Das wird durch diese Anweisungen erreicht.

(defclass formula ())
(defclass clause (formula))
(defclass general-horn-clause (clause))
(defclass literal (formula copyable))
(defclass negative-literal (literal))
(defclass atom (literal))
(defclass ordinary-atom (atom unifiable))
(defclass applicative-atom (atom))
(defclass test-atom (applicative-atom))
(defclass assignment-atom (applicative-atom))
(defclass conjunction-or-disjunction (formula))
(defclass conjunction (conjunction-or-disjunction))
(defclass normal-program (conjunction))
(defclass literal-conjunction (conjunction copyable))
(defclass disjunction (conjunction-or-disjunction))
(defclass ordinary-atom-disjunction (disjunction))

Eine Konjunktion oder Disjunktion enthält eine Liste von Formeln.

(defmethod initialize ((this conjunction-or-disjunction) formulas)
  (every-is-a? formula formulas)
    (.= this formulas formulas)

Eine Klausel besteht aus einer Disjunktion von gewöhnlichen Atomen und einer Konjunktion von Literalen.

(defmethod initialize ((this clause) (antecedents ordinary-atom-disjunction) (consequents literal-conjunction))
    (.= this antecedents antecedents)
    (.= this consequents consequents)
    (freeze this)))

Eine Hornklausel ist eine Klausel, die nur ein gewöhnliches Atom in ihrer Disjunktion enthält.

(defmethod initialize ((this general-horn-clause) (antecedent ordinary-atom) (consequents literal-conjunction))
    (new ordinary-atom-disjunction (list antecedent))

Ein negatives Literal enthält ein Atom.

(defmethod initialize ((this negative-literal) (an-atom atom))
    (.= this atom an-atom)

Ein Atom enthält eine Struktur (siehe Term).

(defmethod initialize ((this ordinary-atom) (a-structure structure))
    (.= this structure a-structure)

Ein Test-Atom enthält eine Liste von Variablen und eine Funktion.

(defmethod initialize ((this test-atom) variables function)
  (every-is-a? constant-or-variable variables)
    (.= this variables variables)
    (.= this function function)
    (freeze this)))

Ein Assignment-Atom enthält eine Konstante oder eine Variable, eine Liste von Variablen und eine Funktion.

(defmethod initialize ((this assignment-atom) (left-hand-side constant-or-variable) variables function)
  (every-is-a? constant-or-variable variables)
    (.= this left-hand-side left-hand-side)
    (.= this variables variables)
    (.= this function function)
    (freeze this)))

Die Accessor-Methoden greifen auf diverse Bestandteile der Instanzen der oben definierten Klassen zu.

(defmethod get-formulas ((this conjunction-or-disjunction))
  (. this formulas))

(defmethod get-consequents ((this clause))
  (get-formulas (. this consequents)))

(defmethod get-antecedents ((this clause))
  (get-formulas (. this antecedents)))

(defmethod get-antecedent ((this general-horn-clause))
  (first (get-antecedents this)))

Die folgenden Funktionen wandeln die Listendarstellung von Formeln in die Instanzdarstellung um.

(defproc to-program (source)
  (new normal-program
    (map-with to-clause source)))

(defproc to-clause (source)
      (= (length source) 3)
      (= (first source) (quote implied)))
    (new general-horn-clause
      (to-ordinary-atom (second source))
      (to-literal-conjunction (third source)))
    (throw (quote error) "clause must start with implied and have two more elements")))

(defproc to-ordinary-atom (source)
  (new ordinary-atom (to-structure source)))

(defproc to-literal-conjunction (source)
  (new literal-conjunction
      ((= source t) nil)
      ((= (first source) (quote and)) (map-with to-literal (rest source)))
      (t (list (to-literal source))))))
(defproc to-literal (source)
    (= (first source) (quote not))
    (to-negative-literal source)
    (to-atom source))))
(defproc to-negative-literal (source)
  (new negative-literal
    (to-atom (second source))))

(defproc to-atom (source)
    ((discriminator (first source)))
      ((= discriminator (quote true?)) (to-test-atom source))
      ((= discriminator (quote is)) (to-assignment-atom source))
      (t (to-ordinary-atom source)))))

(defproc to-test-atom (source)
    ((body (second source)))
      ((names (find-variable-names body nil)))
      (new test-atom
        (map-with (lambda (name) (new variable name nil)) names)
        (make-lambda names body)))))
(defproc find-variable-names (expr names)
    ((null? expr) names)
    ((list? expr) (find-variable-names (rest expr) (find-variable-names (first expr) names)))
    ((is-variable-name? expr) (cons expr names))
    (t names)))

(defproc make-lambda (names body)
  ((mlambda args (list lambda names body))))

(defproc to-assignment-atom (source)
    ((left-hand-side (second source))
     (right-hand-side (third source)))
      ((names (find-variable-names right-hand-side nil)))
      (new assignment-atom
        (to-constant-or-variable left-hand-side)
        (map-with (lambda (name) (new variable name nil)) names)
        (make-lambda names right-hand-side)))))

Die Methoden to-list wandeln die Instanzdarstellung von ausgewählten Formeln in die Listendarstellung um.

(defmethod to-list ((this literal-conjunction))
  (with-slots-read-only (formulas) this
      ((null? formulas) t)
      ((single? formulas) (to-list (first formulas)))
      (t (cons (quote and) (map-with to-list formulas))))))

(defmethod to-list ((this ordinary-atom))
  (to-list (. this structure)))