
Marshaller werden mit einem JAXBContext erzeugt. Mit ihnen können Java Objekte in XML umgewandelt werden.
void marshal(java.lang.Object obj, ContentHandler handler)
-- Marshal the content tree rooted at obj into SAX2 events.

void marshal(java.lang.Object obj, Node node)
-- Marshal the content tree rooted at obj into a DOM tree.

void marshal(java.lang.Object obj, os)
-- Marshal the content tree rooted at obj into an output stream.

void marshal(java.lang.Object obj, Result result)
-- Marshal the content tree rooted at obj into the specified javax.xml.transform.Result.

void marshal(java.lang.Object obj, writer)
-- Marshal the content tree rooted at obj into a Writer.

void setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
-- Allow an application to register a validation event handler.

java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name)
-- Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of Marshaller.

void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
-- Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of Marshaller.
